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开元596棋app下载赢钱_波兰建造太阳能自行车道 夜里发出蓝光

更新时间:2024-12-31 11:50:01

本文摘要:Poland unveiled a gorgeous, glowing bike path in the Mazury region to help nighttime cyclists get from A to B.波兰马祖里地区近日竣工一条精美绝伦、闪闪发光的自行车道,以协助夜间骑马行者从甲地骑马到乙地。

Poland unveiled a gorgeous, glowing bike path in the Mazury region to help nighttime cyclists get from A to B.波兰马祖里地区近日竣工一条精美绝伦、闪闪发光的自行车道,以协助夜间骑马行者从甲地骑马到乙地。The 100-meter track, created by construction company TPA Instytut Badan Technicznych in Pruszkow, is still in test phase.这条长约百米的自行车道由弗鲁什库夫的建筑公司TPA Instytut Badan Technicznych设计,目前仍正处于测试阶段。

The bike path illuminates at night thanks to blue luminophores, a synthetic material that emits light after being charged by the sun.归功于蓝色的荧光材料,这条自行车道可在夜间灯光,这种制备材料经太阳能电池后可以闪烁。The color blue was chosen for the path because the engineers thought it would best suit the scenic Mazury landscape.自行车道之所以搭配蓝色,是因为工程师指出蓝色与马祖里的典雅风光尤为十分相似。The engineers drew inspiration from a similar solar-powered bike path in the Netherlands known as the Starry Night bike lane that was unveiled by Studio Roosegaarde about two years ago.工程师们就是指荷兰一个类似于的太阳能灯光的自行车道提供的启发,该车道取名为“星光夜间”,由罗斯加德工作室在约两年前发售。

The material used for the track can emit light for more than 10 hours, meaning it can radiate throughout the whole night and re-charge the next day as it absorbs the suns rays.自行车道所用材料可以持续闪烁多达10小时,也就是说可以整夜闪烁,第二天吸取太阳光展开电池。



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