更新时间:2025-01-01 11:50:01
A Chinese company has become the biggest wind turbine maker, putting an end to more than a decade of European and US dominance.一家中国公司沦为世界仅次于的风力涡轮机制造商,完结了10多年来欧美公司在该领域的主导地位。Hong Kong-listed Goldwind installed so much turbine capacity in 2015 that it overtook the long-time market leader, Denmark’s Vestas, as well as General Electric , according to FTI Consulting, a business advisory firm.根据商业咨询公司丰事低商务咨询(FTI Consulting)的数据,在香港上市的金风科技(Goldwind)2015年风电装机总容量多达了长期以来的市场领导者——丹麦公司维斯塔斯(Vestas)和通用电气(General Electric)。“For the wind industry, 2015 is the year of China,” Feng Zhao, a senior director in FTI’s energy practice, said. “China not only helped make 2015 another record year for the wind industry, it was home to five of the top 10 turbine manufacturers.” The companies have ridden a surge in wind power in China, site of nearly half of turbine capacity installed last year.“对于风力行业而言,2015年是中国年,”丰事低能源业务高级总监赵峰回应,“中国不仅让2015年沦为了风力行业缔造记录的一年,还是十大风机制造商中5家的所在地。
”这些企业乘以了中国的风电发展热潮,去年近一半风电装机容量都来自中国。China last year edged past the EU’s much older wind market with a cumulative capacity of 145 gigawatts that the government aims to boost to 200GW by 2020 as it strives to cut the smog choking its biggest cities. The EU had 141.6GW of cumulative capacity at the end of 2015, according to the Global Wind Energy Council.去年,中国以145GW的积累风电装机容量稍微多达历史长得多的欧盟(EU)风电市场。希望减低后遗症中国大城市雾霾问题的中国政府原作了目标,到2020年时将这个数字提升到200GW。
根据全球风能理事会(Global Wind Energy Council)的数据,欧盟2015年底积累风电装机容量为141.6GW。Goldwind dominates its home market, accounting for more than a quarter of new turbines, according to Bloom-berg New Energy Finance. But the group has set its sights further afield to the US, Chile, Ecuador, Pakistan and Ethiopia.据彭博新能源财经(Bloomberg New Energy Finance)的数据,金风科技沦为本土市场的龙头,在追加装机中的占比多达四分之一。该集团还将眼光投向海外,还包括美国、智利、厄瓜多尔、巴基斯坦和埃塞俄比亚。The growing presence of Chinese turbines is a factor in a round of consolidation in the wind industry.在风电行业的这一轮统合中,一个影响因素是中国建的风力机占有更加大的市场。
The latest move came last month when it emerged that Siemens, ranked the fourth biggest turbine maker by FTI, was in talks to acquire Spain’s Gamesa, a step that could create the biggest wind turbine maker by market share. If sealed, that deal would add pressure on Vestas and GE, ranked numbers two and three, respectively.风电行业的近期统合动作再次发生在上个月,被富事低列入第四大风机制造商的西门子(Siemens)爆出在注资西班牙Gamesa,此举有可能打造出以市场份额收的仅次于风机制造商。该并购协议一旦达成协议,将给分列第二、第三大风机制造商的维斯塔斯和通用电气带给更加多压力。
Wind power accounted for 44 per cent of all new electricity generation added in the EU in 2015, FTI said, more than any other source of energy. It overtook natural gas as the largest power generation source installed in the US last year, according to Bloomberg data.据富事低回应,欧盟2015年追加发电中,风力发电占到44%,多达其它所有发电方式。根据彭博的数据,去年风电还多达天然气沦为美国仅次于的发电来源。